Saturday, July 10, 2010

Will turn into...

We went to the freedom fest in Provo, UT for our independence day and got sidetracked with the sword booth. I am thinking that it will turn into LARPing.

  As we went through all the boring headband booths, we meet and chatted with this cool potter. Robert Graydon specializes in Raku Pottery.

He uses a pit fire; he buries a group of unglazed pots in a pits, covers them with saw dust, wood, and some ashes, then lights the pile on fire and leaves it to burn for 12 to 24 hours.

Those are some pretty cool results.

The horse hair method involves taking the same type of pots hot out of a kiln and throwing horse hair on the hot pots. The hair shrivels up and burns black lines onto the white pottery. (I stole all this info from his site of course)

Anyway, i think when anything is not massed produced it carries so much more meaning. That is why i love the process, the individual results of each unique item, and the artist who decided to chase his passion and not his pension. The world needs more artists and less bankers.

1 comment:

  1. LOL, I learned what LARPING was from an episode of Cheaters. ;D Gorgeous pottery.
    Your comment broke my heart! I replied. Heads up! <3 <3 <3
